can be a challenge to find a trendy cover at a decent price. And that is why you need to check out this company! Udder Covers is based out of Utah and right now you can order one of their sweet designs and only pay the shipping and handling fee!!

Not only have I filled you in on a great deal, but I also have one of the Udder Covers to give away!! So.......whether you are currently a breastfeeding mama or a mama-to-be, or maybe a friend or relative looking for a last-minute Christmas gift, here's your chance to win the Maria nursing cover!
To enter, just leave a comment saying why you think breastfeeding is so great! Giveaway ends Thursday, November 26th at 10pm (winner will be randomly chosen). Best of luck!

It's a great bonding experience with baby!!
ReplyDeleteRobin McArthur
Breastfeeding provides excellent nutrition and gives you the time to just enjoy looking at your bundle of joy! Michelle Erdman
ReplyDeleteYou can do it anywhere, anytime, it's convienient and healthy
ReplyDeleteJen Scherer
breast feeding is very benifital to you and your baby.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is great because it allows quality bonding time between you and your baby, it gives them all the nutrients they need without worrying about what else is in it(such as formula) you never have to worry about not having any food(milk) for your baby LOL. It can be essential life saving if you are ever stuck somewhere, accident, lost etc. No worries about being stuck in the middle of the mall needing to make a bottle for your crying baby. Overall it is just a great experience for you and your baby :)
ReplyDeleteYou can watch them do the cutest things while feeding, my daughter kicks her leg constantly when theres music playing, or constantly "mmm's" and plays with my face or breast lol. Then when they're finished they look up and smile at you. it's such a heartwarming bonding experience!
ReplyDeleteIts such a great bonding experience, very convenient, & healthy!
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding was sure a wonderful time to spend with my daughter, allowed for a bonding experience that only the two of us will share. Never have to worry about making bottles, your milk is always at the right temperature, easily accessible and the best nutrient for your baby.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is a wonderful thing that i feel I can give my baby. Having a baby now and due christmas eve I can't think of a better gift for this baby then to breastfeed. Nevermind not having to make and clean bottles that's a huge bonus!!
ReplyDeleteChristina Finlayson
I absolutely loved breastfeeding my daughter, and did so for about 15 months. It was an amazing bonding experience, and I knew that I was giving her the best chance at starting a healthy life. I also liked that it was with you where ever you went and much more cost efficient. I can't wait to begin the experience again in May 2010.
ReplyDeleteAngie Edwards
I think the best bonding time can be spent while baby is nursing. I think anything that can support moms in nursing is terrific. It's nice that moms don't have to hide out to feed baby. These cover-ups are awesome. I would love to win one to give to my daughters friend.
ReplyDeleteClaire Holt
I love that it's free! I like these covers because it makes breastfeeding more comfortable for me when I'm out in public.
ReplyDeleteDenise Layton
My son used to be so impatient when he knew it was time to breastfeed. It was sooo cute how he just couldnt wait to get it. Now he sucks his thumb at night and you can tell it takes him back to that peaceful time we shared breastfeeding.
ReplyDeleteClaire Canning
so i am not expecting but have three cousis who are and thought these would make a great gift. Bought some yesterday, but winning one would be nice too. My only issue is why should women have to hide such a natural thing????
ReplyDeleteI'm expecting and Due end of December, I have had three girls thus far, and I have breastfed all three of them. I truly believe that breastfeeding is great for bonding, and the nutritional benefits are a great reason to do it as well. Not to mention a heck of alot cheaper than buying formula, and not having to deal with all the bottles. I can't tell you how many times i've been in an awkward situation where one of my girls wanted to feed, and all i had was a blanket, which for some reason never wanted to stay in place..haha I have never thought or heard of these covers before, and I could tell ya it would have made things a heck of alot easier and comfortable.
ReplyDeleteIt has so many health benefits and is a great way to bond with your baby... Also, always the right temperature and easy to access at those early morning feedings!
ReplyDelete~Naomi Thompson~
It's the way nature intended it...simple as that! Oh, and of course I love how it melts those post-baby pounds off!
ReplyDeleteits so convenient...not having to pack around a bottle/formula and the nutritional benefits to baby are #1 in my book.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding is the beginning of bonding with your child. It's a treasure.
ReplyDeleteJenny Daisley
I LOVE being able to eat whatever I want and still lose the baby weight! (One of the many reasons I breastfed my babies until they were 16 months and 19 months.)
ReplyDeleteAwwww, I think I'm too late!! But anyway, I sooo enjoy nursing my son for many reasons. For the bonding time,and health benfits he has clearly shown signs of...haha!! Best decision I ever made!!!