Oh how I love the BabyLegs! They are one of my very fave products out there! Not only do they look super sweet, but they really are practical too. If you don't already own or know about BabyLegs, here's just some of the perks: comfy and stylish, protects those sweet lil' baby legs, makes diaper changes simple, protects soft knees from hard/rough surfaces, keeps legs (and arms) warm, feet remain free for crawling, walking, and dancing, and they fit most children from newborn to size 10. They come in many different styles and colours, for both the girlies and the boys! I absolutely adore how they look when worn under tutus and pettiskirts....so sweet.
If you would like to get your hands on a pair of BabyLegs, here's your chance. Leave a comment on the naturally sweet blog and your name will be entered in a draw to receive a pair of the Neopolitan BabyLegs (shown in above photo)!! Draw will be made April 5th. Best of luck!